Spring Into Action with The Marsh and ICA

Dance and eat to feed those in need.

People usually exercise for the sake of self-improvement. There’s no shame in that. For some, exercise is one of the rare times of the day they can take solely for themselves. No work deadlines, no children screaming, no budget balancing; just you, some tunes and an increased heart rate.

But when you can work out to improve life for others in need as well as yourself, exercise takes on a whole new meaning, giving you that feel-good feeling that goes beyond the adrenaline and comes right from the soul.

Lucky for you, the Spring Into Action event—hosted by The Marsh, a center for balance and fitness in Minnetonka, and Intercongregation Communities Association (ICA) Food Shelf, a Minnetonka-area food shelf—won’t make you fight the urge to bottle up that feeling. On the contrary, community members will be invited April 21 to participate in two of The Marsh’s hottest new dance classes in exchange for a $10 contribution to ICA.BodyJam photo provided by The Marsh

BodyJam, a cardio class featuring the latest dance styles and popular new sounds, begins at 10:30 a.m., while Jukari Fit to Flex, a flexibility class created by Reebok and Cirque du Soleil, follows at 11:30 a.m.

“We depend on partners like The Marsh to help us,” says Cathy Maes, ICA executive director, “and we love it when they come up with creative and fun ways to do so.”

Before or after your workout, you can also fuel up with great-tasting food for a good cause. Ten percent of The Marsh restaurant’s gross sales for the day will also be donated to ICA. The restaurant is open from 8 a.m.-9 p.m.

“We are excited to bring the community together at The Marsh to support community wellness in this way,” says Lori Knutson, The Marsh president. “It’s hard to be well if you don’t have food on your table.”

Before you get your groove on, check out the moves to both new dances at recent classes at The Marsh via YouTube:


Jukari Fit to Flex

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