Navarre Safety Update

Hennepin County says it will make pedestrian safety improvements in Navarre this season.

The Navarre Community Initiative group made significant headway at a June 10 meeting at the Orono City Council chambers. Jim Grube, Hennepin County director of transportation, visited the group and proposed a list of safety improvements to be implemented this summer. These include: Two crosswalks for County Road 15—one near the bus shelter and a second farther to the east. The second crosswalk is to feature a raised median “pedestrian refuge” at the street center and would incorporate a pedestrian-activated flashing high-intensity light system. Repairs to the pedestrian islands at the intersection of county roads 15 and 19. Find out more about the improvements by contacting the Navarre Community Initiative at or read the original story in our May 2013 issue. –Information courtesy of Ralph Kempf