July Note from the Editor: Happy Travels

The best in real (or imagined) travel in the lake area.

For the last six months, my husband Jack and I have been planning a trip to Europe. We’ve daydreamed about the Isle of Skye in Scotland, watched countless Rick Steves’ travel episodes on Saturday mornings and asked ourselves if 14 days abroad is really enough.

Jack has been decidedly more proactive about actually making the trip happen. He’s devised a budget, a savings plan and a realistic time frame for us to make our Glasgow to Edinburgh to Munich to Zurich trip feasible. He’s researched credit cards with flight rewards and discovered a few travel hacks for us to capitalize on. He even started a blog detailing how we decided which countries and cities to visit.

Am I reaping the benefits of all his hard work? Yes. But what his planning has made me realize is that a thirst for travel will stay merely a desire if we don’t start putting our thoughts into action. It’s easy to say we want to see the world, but it’s much harder to actually dedicate time and energy in order to make an exotic trip happen.

Luckily, our travel issue (up online this week!) will make that a little easier. Read about ImagineYou Traveling, a travel agency that caters to women—and makes all your plans for you. Or check out Pique Travel, where they bring the trip to you and help you pick a fun destination. Or get a little taste of New Zealand right here in our community by stopping by Glen Lake Café in Minnetonka.

Whether you’re itching to plan a trip across the pond or you’re content to explore the lake area, this issue is one you won’t want to put down. Happy (real or imagined) travels!