Located in the Mill District of downtown Minneapolis, Tiger Oak Media publishes more than 30 regional print magazines, with corresponding digital media, including digital editions, e-newsletters and sophisticated websites. For more information, visit www.tigeroak.com
The Community Lifestyle Magazine (CLM) intern will report to the senior managing Art Director, Emily Bretzel. His/her duties will be to assist the art directors and production team with the tasks listed below, and as a part of the internship will gain practical experience with planning and producing a magazine from start to finish.
- Organize and collect contributed images
- Pick up and drop off products
- Create web images
- Build/make corrections to ads
- Lay out editorial pages
- Place ads and pdf final magazines
- Photograph gallery events if needed
- Help with collateral projects as needed (sales sheets, media kit updates, etc)
- Job shadow art meetings and photo shoots
- Organize and collect photo tears, create mood board
- As a final project, the CLM intern will have the opportunity to design a small feature
- Excellent design skills in Adobe CS (InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator).
- Basic knowledge of html and web graphics.
- Ability to work independently and multi-task.
- Photography background a plus
Start/End Dates
Vary throughout the year; there is flexibility for exact starting and ending dates.
Unpaid; varying stipends provided.
Application Details
Submit cover letter, resume and portfolio or samples to Emily Bretzel, senior managing art director: Emily.bretzel@tigeroak.com
No phone calls, please