Don't Miss the Anderson Sisters' Boutique Sale

Get a headstart on holiday shopping.

Fans of art fairs, one-of-a-kind jewelry and crafts, rejoice! It's time for the annual Boutique sale. From October 31 to November 5, sisters LaRae and Corrine Anderson welcome the public to shop for handmade goodies at LaRae's home in Minnetonka. The sale features about 30 artists this year, with 11 fresh new names to round out the selection.

One of the first things you'll see when stepping into the well-appointed space is an array of the popular, ceramic Santa Claus-esque figures called silent walkers. (Corrine says, "They're just the cutest things.") Throughout the rest of the rambler, you'll find fine soaps, silver jewelry, and bowls and platters made by Mel Jacobson. He had previously been showcased at the American Museum of Ceramic Art.

A visit to the Boutique sale may be just the thing to complete those holiday gift lists in one trip, so don't miss this event!

October 31–November 5

9 a.m.–8 p.m.

4103 Red Oak Ridge, Minnetonka


Read the full story here.

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