Summer’s End?

With August fast approaching, get to as many outdoor events as you can possibly cram in.

Can anyone else barely believe this week marks the first of August?! With the weather acting like we’ve already broached September, I guess we can assume fall will come at us as heavy-handily as winter left us. And that’s why I’m taking the opportunity to grab some outdoor concerts, sip a chilled beverage on a restaurant patio and stroll around the lakes—before it’s too late. You should join me!  Check out the City of Minnetonka’s Music in the Park series, on Tuesday, July 30, for some great tunes. Or head to Shorewood with the kids on Monday, Aug. 5, to learn about kindness with singer, songwriter and ventriloquist Rachael Kroog. Schedule a brewery tour with the guys at Excelsior Brewing Co. Take in a late-night happy hour on the patio at Sunsets in Wayzata. The Minnesota winter will only come too soon, so whatever you do, don’t waste this last month of summer!