Minnetonka Named Google’s E-City of Minnesota

Its online business community presence earns the lake city an award from Google.

Being tech-savvy is key in today’s business world. It increases the reach of both a product and the customer service and helps create a stronger bond between the community and its businesses. It’s so important that tech powerhouse Google recently launched a nation-wide e-city list. The award is presented to one city per state, and is given to a city that displays the strongest online business community, one that successfully utilizes the web to help businesses grow. Our very own lake-area city of Minnetonka is next in line to receive this award. Austin, Texas accepted it earlier in August and Google officials are making their way across the country to present the awards to each city’s mayor. Thursday, August 22, Minnetonka Mayor Terry Schneider will accept the award on behalf of the city at The General Store of Minnetonka. The General Store was selected to host the event because they are an independently owned and operated business with a strong online presence. Congrats to the city of Minnetonka for such an honorable award!