BFW Charities

Becker Furniture World Charities serves those in need in unique ways.


Photo courtesy of BFW Charities
BFW Charities
Becker Furniture World Charities serves those in need in unique ways.
Doug and Julie Huseby established BFW Charities, sponsored by Becker Furniture World, as a nonprofit organization in 1993. Initially the organization focused on donating furniture to local families in need, but BFW has since expanded, now helping hundreds of people each year
The goal of BFW Charities is to help families and individuals “not only have their physical needs met, but also provide the skills they need as they journey toward self-sufficiency,” says Chris Barber, marketing coordinator for the organization.
How they help
Medical Research and Grants
BFW’s Ultimate Wellness Center in Minnetonka offers health services including research, screenings and evaluations, and a program that helps treat veterans’ physical and emotional pain as a result of wartime experiences. The Ultimate Wellness Center also has a mobile health service that brings experienced staff directly to workplaces to reduce costs and offer convenient health care.
Furnishing Achievements
This program provides basic home furnishings from Becker Furniture World to families and individuals in need. BFW teams up with various organizations and agencies that identify, assist and supervise clients.
Samaritan Group
The Samaritan Group provides monetary donations and grants for specific projects for other nonprofit organizations. BFW focuses on donations that will have lasting effects. The Samaritan Group has donated to youth programs, senior citizens groups, substance abuse programs and more. —MS
To donate to BFW Charities or learn more, visit their website at

Doug and Julie Huseby established BFW Charities, sponsored by Becker Furniture World, as a nonprofit organization in 1993. Initially the organization focused on donating furniture to local families in need, but BFW has since expanded, now helping hundreds of people each year

The goal of BFW Charities is to help families and individuals “not only have their physical needs met, but also provide the skills they need as they journey toward self-sufficiency,” says Chris Barber, marketing coordinator for the organization.

How they help

Medical Research and Grants
BFW’s Ultimate Wellness Center in Minnetonka offers health services including research, screenings and evaluations, and a program that helps treat veterans’ physical and emotional pain as a result of wartime experiences. The Ultimate Wellness Center also has a mobile health service that brings experienced staff directly to workplaces to reduce costs and offer convenient health care.

Furnishing Achievements
This program provides basic home furnishings from Becker Furniture World to families and individuals in need. BFW teams up with various organizations and agencies that identify, assist and supervise clients.

Samaritan Group
The Samaritan Group provides monetary donations and grants for specific projects for other nonprofit organizations. BFW focuses on donations that will have lasting effects. The Samaritan Group has donated to youth programs, senior citizens groups, substance abuse programs and more.

To donate to BFW Charities or learn more, visit their website at