Art Without a Paintbrush: Jon Sadeh’s Unique Approach to Photography

Excelsior Beach in April

Not many photographers can say that they started photographing, almost by accident, on a super-high-quality DSLR camera. But that’s exactly what happened for Jon Sadeh, Excelsior resident and bartender at Lord Fletcher’s on Lake Minnetonka. As a documentary film producer, Sadeh was exposed to top-of-the-line cameras before he’d ever thought about a career in still photography. “Shooting [film] forced you to learn the ins and outs of the cameras,” says Sadeh.

That intimate knowledge of his instrument has launched Sadeh’s unlikely career as a still photographer. “Lake Minnetonka Magazine is my first publication,” he says, though he’s done plenty of work on WCCO, KSTP and KARE-11 news broadcasts.

Sadeh’s photographic methods, though, go well beyond mere technical skills. “I’ve got a creative eye,” says Sadeh, “and it’s something that really never shuts off. I’m a terrible artist in the sense of painting or drawing, and so photography is a great medium that allows me to capture beauty and put my creative touch on it by shooting.”

Sadeh has loved using Lake Minnetonka as subject matter through the seasons. He’s spent lots of time exploring its bays and surface, looking for the right shot. “The world does a great job of painting a picture,” says Sadeh. “I just get to step in at the right moments and capture that.”

(Winter shot of Lake Minnetonka.)

Check out more of Jon Sadeh’s photography here.