Alex Kuno Shares his Artistic Inspiration and Lowertown Connection

Artist Alex Kuno shares his inspiration and love for the area.
The Fate of Fernley Fig Hat

Alex Kuno is a realist with a visionary’s imagination. While he’s been drawing all his life, it wasn’t until around 10 years ago that he found his artistic niche when he created The Miscreants of Tiny Town, a mixed media series of paintings.

“I was trying to find a more personal art style and way of working, and it sort of evolved from there,” he says.

The look of the Miscreants series is almost fairytale-like, with a satirical quality that gives it a darker edge. The look has captivated many, leading to requests from all over the world for art in a similar style, such as family portraits and even pet paintings.

Kuno draws inspiration from old fairytale illustrations and artists like Beatrix Potter, as well as Renaissance paintings. “I’m also inspired by American history and how we’re in a world that’s evolving and changing really, really fast.”

Kuno, who will be showing his work during the Saint Paul Art Crawl, says living and working in Lowertown has been “hugely important,” adding “It’s been great to live in an art-specific community.”

Saint Paul Art Crawl
October 9—11